Conventional in-ear headset for music playback, e.g. iPhone/Android phones, iPad/tablet or portable MP3 players. Earbud headphones Earbud headphones may be more comfortable for people who do not like to push an in-ear headphone all the way into the ear.
Wireless neckband phones can often be compared to true wireless headphones as they are also wireless and of the in-ear type. Unlike the real cordless headphones, neckband phones have, as the name implies - a band that runs between the two earbuds and connects them to the neck. This makes them still wireless, but not quite the same way. Often neckband phones are also cheaper than real wireless headphones as they are not quite as complicated to manufacture.
The most prevalent type of neckband cellphone is the in-ear / earbuds, which is the type that is fitted inside the ear canal. Since there is more room to deal with in neckband phones since they have a cable, they often also have an in-line microphone or controller built in - someone has both. This also means that the battery life on neck band phones is often longer than on real wireless headphones, between 6-12 hours.
Like almost any other wireless headset on the market, wireless headphones also use Bluetooth to connect to your player, be it a smartphone, tablet or other supported device. Often, you can download an application to your device, which provides more options for controlling the sound on your neckband phones.